Warranty Policy.
All warranty claims need to be submitted to support@generatorssa.co.za
Please include the following details in the mail.
Name: eg John Doe
Order number : eg 1234
Purchase date : eg 12/01/2020
Product purchased : eg 8kva turner Morris generator
Detailed description of problem: eg my generator is not starting when I turn the key.
Customer address : eg 126 Heidelberg road Johannesburg
Warranty claims will be processed in the following manner.
The customer is liable for all courier fees to the workshop(this value may vary depending on your location it could be less but never more) (we offer free delivery on orders therefore we cannot cover the courier costs on a warranty claim)Customer responsible for re-packing the generator, Generators SA can not be held liable for any damages caused by couriers).
Once the courier cost is determined your product will need to be drained of all fluids (oil , water & fuel)
The product will then be picked up from the location provided by the customer.
The product will be assessed, should it be ascertained that damage took place due to the customers own negligence the customer would then be liable for any repair and spares costs involved in the repair of the product.
Should payment not be made for any spares or repairs within 5 working days the customer hereby accepts that the product will be used to recover costs of storage in a Manner Generators SA seems fit.
Should it be due to manufacturing defaults on our side , the product will be fixed and returned to the customer within 21 working days provided payment for courier has been made.
We will always try our utmost best to fix the product with the least cost to customer as possible, and do so as efficiently and as fast as we can. We hardly have any warranty claims (less than 2% of our customers claim) however it’s necessary that we outline the terms.
Should you have any more enquiries don’t hesitate to contact us at sales@generatorssa.co.za